TAD participants '08
Transatlantic Dialogue
May 29th - June 1st
'Soft Power in Uncertain Times'
Building Bridges for Culture, Diplomacy,
Peace, Trust, & Compassionate Leadership
in an ongoing Changing World
The challenges our world presents today can seem unprecedented. Profound differences over the complex issues confronting us manifest themselves in loud and often discouraging public debates over everything from how we should best foster human prosperity to how we can address each other on an equal footing, protect our fundamental freedoms and care for the most vulnerable and marginalized among us.
Soft power begins at home, as reputation and trust are both intimately linked to the nature of domestic achievements. On many levels, diversity is about how people relate to each other, and individuals must connect with other individuals to work together to drive organizational change.
By building an inclusive human community in which each of us can thrive, we will be well positioned throughout our lives to generate new knowledge and solve new problems, to engage in creative expression, to lead in compassion, to serve others purposefully and to help those around us to do the same.
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Download ECP/TAD Concert'24 Poster
designed by Jean-Louis Carbon, Communication Designer
The Transatlantic Dialogue, or TAD, conference series is focused on global citizens, exploring the significance of culture and liberal education on fostering global citizenship from both US and European perspectives.
Organized by the University of Luxembourg since 2008, the TAD project examines the role of cultural and liberal education in developing educators and students: those who think broadly, those who recognize and respect cultural diversity and heritage, and those whose engagement in the arts serves as a conduit for personal authenticity, innovation, and inclusion.
Now the time has come to think further.
Together with the European Cultural Parliament (ECP), a forum for European personalities in the fields of arts, culture and letters for dialogue, discussions and debate about crucial and burning issues of importance for European co-operation, European democracy and European culture the idea raised up to create an ‘External Relations’ Task force group in the very informal tradition which has always been ECP´s modus operandi and based on the belief that the European idea symbolizes a balance between respect for the diversity of cultures in Europe and cross-cultural tolerance and understanding.
The Parliament stands for common values, cultural identity and diversity as well as tolerance and will promote bridge building with other cultures.
To this end the “ECP” proposes to offer a ‘new’ platform for regular debate on crucial issues between independent artists, writers, musicians, historians, philosophers, educators, designers, architects, politicians, diplomats and other creative thinkers from all countries, a transpacific meeting place, where important ideas and initiatives are born.
Special thanks to the ECP for their collaboration in this conference and this endeavor.
bâtiment4; Belmont University, Nashville Tennessee; Belong - Intangible World Heritage Organization ASBL; Center for Global Peace Journalism, Missouri; Chiche Authentic food from the Middle-East driven by social inclusion & diversity; City of Esch-sur-Alzette; City of Luxembourg; Clark University, Boston Massachusetts; Europe Direct University of Luxembourg; European Cultural Parliament; frESCH asbl; Georgia State University, Atlanta; fr'ESCH a.s.b.l.; German American Institute Saarland; Marymount University, Arlington, Virginia; Miami University, Ohio; MUDEC - Miami University Dolibois European Center; Ministry of Culture, Luxembourg; Schengen Peace Foundation / Luxembourg Peace Prize; University of Luxembourg; University of Minnesota, Minneapolis; US Embassy Luxembourg; Roux -Student Magazine, University of Luxembourg; espace cultures, University of Luxembourg
Graciously supported by the
City of Esch-sur-Alzette; City of Luxembourg; Europe Direct Information Center (EDIC) University of Luxembourg; frESCH asbl; German American Institute (DAI) Saarland; Loutsch-Weydert Foundation; MUDEC - Miami University Dolibois European Center, Differdange; Ministry of Culture, Luxembourg; Let's make it happen - Promotion of Luxembourg